Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lesson Fifteen: Preparation and Perspective

"You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." Is. 26:3

As of now, I have been waiting to audition for "Phantom of the Opera" for five hours.  Five hours.  And quite frankly, I am fed up.  I wonder what the Lord is doing by bringing me through my everyday experiences, difference as they can be day by day.  This question has been heavily on my mind as of late: Lord, what are you doing?

During a very thought-provoking phone conversation yesterday, my girlfriend and I concluded that our mid-twenties offer plenty of opportunity to think about our purpose, our desires, and God's will.  It is an all-encompassing time in our lives when we are trying to define our career, our relationships, where we will settle, and how we will do the Lord's work.

This week, for me, has been particularly revelatory.  Something that the Lord clearly revealed to me is that this time of waiting, pondering, and exploring is not necessarily preparing me for "the opportunity", itself, but rather for the character I will need when said opportunities arise in the future.  When I think of all things in that perspective, I gain some small ounce of understanding as to my role right now.  I am to wait upon the Lord, run to Him, spend enormous amounts of time in prayer, discern the will of the Father, and read the Word.  I am to work as if for the Lord, and not for man.  When opportunities arise, I will know they are God-ordained, and I will be spiritually prepared.  God is good in using all times to form us, to give us a deeper understanding of Himself.

This is a time of preparation and perspective.  Each day, I hope the question I rise with in the morning is "How can I obey God today?" and "What does God want me to see, from His perspective?".  I have so much to learn!  I pray to surrender my entire mind and spirit, to unclench these closed hands, and to allow God to do whatever it takes for me to work for the Kingdom.

What that looks like, who knows but God?

1 comment:

  1. friendship + greetings folow, also awaited his arrival + folow ... thank you
